I guess if you reap the benefits, you shouldn't begrudge the title. I am a snowbird having flown to Texas long before the snows hit in New England. Really I had no choice; the water and electricity were turned off in October and unless you were a small furry rodent, you would have flown away too. Waking up to a mild 70's day here while the drifts are piling up in Maine, I almost have to pinch myself that I don't have to worry about scraping the car windshield and shoveling through the plowed drifts at the end of the driveway. I did that many times and I hated it. Ending a balmy day in Texas with a glass of wine on the back deck, while in Maine the flakes of a new front gently drift down over the softly rounded landscape and onto the bare arms of the forest trees, I sigh remembering that beauty, that silence which calmed my soul. I did that many times and I loved it.