Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A Serendipity Shot

Supper was simmering on the stove and with a few minutes to kill, I decided to sit on the back deck and play a short game of Spider Solitaire on my smart phone. A soft thump over head caused me to wonder what had fallen on the deck roof and then over the top of my game I noticed "big bird", big white bird, come gliding down near the water garden. It's gaze was on the water and for 15 minutes it pondered the water, with its gliding walk, back and forth and finally up on the edge of the pond. My game was easily switched to the camera function of the smart phone by now and I clicked away 10 feet from the bird. It slurped up one of our recent additions to the pond, a 29 cent carp, looked around again never seeming to notice me and finally rose off in the air. What a moment - couldn't believe I had a "camera" in my hands. Clay thought my pictures were Photoshopped. He was just piqued that I dared not call out to him while our pond visitor was there.
BTW - Can you identify "Big Bird"? Comment and I will let you know if you got it right.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Pictures for the travel quiz. Rules appear below

Click on any picture to make it larger.
There are 14 pictures numbering from top to bottom left to right. Send us your guesses, questions, or observations by clicking on comments. We will respond by email or the blog.
Hope you get some fun from this.
As always we are wishing you lot's of Love, Peace and Ice Cream. Keep scrolling down to see quiz.

Clay and Carol's Travel Quiz. Where Are We and What Are We Doing?

We trial tested a mini version of this quiz on a few friends earlier in the year and had good reviews so here comes the latest and full edition of "Where Are We? and What Are We Doing?"
You may think of other questions; someone asked if we were auditioning for a Cialis commercial.
You may just wish to delete the whole thing which is okay or send us your guesses and/or questions and we will respond faster than a _____ moment.

Results: 1-4 correct: You know the difference between a waterfall and a beach.
5-8 correct: You must have taken some of the pictures.
9 or more correct: You are well traveled or really lucky. If it's lucky you should go where picture number 7 was taken.

Prizes: First: The personal satisfaction of participation.
Second: The enjoyment of seeing some of the places Clay and Carol have visited this past year.

Clues: Little Dear Hill, ME
A National Park
An International Park
Diana's Baths, NH
Ferry Ride,Portland, ME
Old Orchard Beach, ME
Herring Cove, Canada (NB)
Red Rock State Park, Nevada
Hermit Falls, NH
Home Base
Baxter State Park
Sabattus MT., ME
Biddaford Pool, ME
Owen's Inn, Campobello