Friday, July 4, 2008

Evan's Hike on Mt. Washington

On July 2, 2008 Grandma, Papa, and Evan hiked the Alpine Trail to Tuckerman's Ravine Trail and on to the summit, then along the Nelson's Crag Trail back to our car. Mt. Washington is the highest peak in New England and is known for the worst weather in the world. We lucked out and had a wonderful day for hiking. This video was created and narrated by Evan and edited by Carol June. Senior director was Papa.


Judy said...

What a great memory. That Evan certainly narrates with a lot of enthusiam.

Better with a Bow said...

Precious, precious, precious! Isn't being a grandparent grand?

gradeschoolrocks said...

I bet Even had a good time on the hike. My Grandma Judy showed me this video and blog.